Friday, February 01, 2008

headlines, keywords

One thing I've left out of COODBMS is headlines. A headline is just an optional title that can be attached to any rolonic element. Easy enough to add.

It would also be great to add a classifier, like keywords, to provid an alternate means of access--pathname not always being the most appropriate way to find something. We should have one well known rolon, keywords, which has a the various keywords as children under it. A rolon which "has" a keyword would hold symbolic references to the keyword rolon in a keywords CSec. Keyword queries then would examine the backlinks on the keyword rolon.

Much as I want to move on to JOODBMS, it seems to me that it would be self-defeating not to give COODBMS some additional utility. This also gives a bit of the flavor of Rolonics, as headlines and keywords would be available to any application implemented over COODBMS.


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