Thursday, January 31, 2008

a good night

Just had a great talk with Sanjay, my brother-in-law in Raipur. Looks like we are being welcomed with open arms. So it is looking like we are go for moving to Raipur the end of this month. The plan is to spend a year living with the Pandeys and working on nothing but Agile Wiki. A marvelous opportunity, and one that would be quite unlikely in the US. India has its strengths, and one of them is that you don't need to be a wage slave your whole life.

I've now stripped calendar from both CowDb and COODBMS. This is an important App and I want to give it the attention it deserves, in the proper time.

I've also completed the conversion of COODBMS to the new API. I love it! Next will be to implement Entries, which was simply inconcievable with the old API. (Oh, it would be doable. But there would be too much code and it would be difficult to add new attributes--which would be a very bad thing!)

I don't expect the implementation of Entries will take much time. Just one subclass of CNode and a bunch of meta data added to CoodbmsFactory. Should be a breeze!

I also don't expect the conversion of the COODBMS samples to take much time. I may even be lucky in debugging COODBMS as it was working before and builds on a working CowDb and hay, there is a lot less code now.

The effort, I expect, will be in updating the docs. And that's a good thing. :-)


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