Friday, September 23, 2005

bug found, templates

Well I found the problem I was having snaping/restoring tags. As I expected, the tag dictionary was missing the Internal attribute, so its contents were not being saved. So I'm retesting now. If all goes well, then I'll release 2.0.0 alpha. :D

Meanwhile I've been thinking about templates. Instead of creating something from scratch, its often easier to copy and modify. Or, in Rolonic terms, post and change. But I'm also thinking that the collection wherein we are creating a new Topic might suggest a default template--in its DescriptorUnit, of course. And likely there would be different templates suggested depending on the usage--one for LSecs, one for Pages, etc.

Failing a suggested template in the DescriptorUnit, we may further want to have Cabinet- or Ark-level templates. Of course, for creating Cabinets, we would only have the Ark-level template.

This all seems especially handy for initializing the DescriptorUnit of the new Topic. Guess I need to work it into the schedule.


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