Tuesday, April 12, 2005

some progress with list, CompStrm1 vs CompStrm2

Almost everything is working again. The two exceptions are the add and rm commands.

I'm thinking of changing the compstrm directory to compstrm1. The first "product" then would be the CompStrm1 Wiki. This would be my first step in forking the code base, CompStrm2 then being the start of a type-based Wiki.

In CompStrm1, there is limited support for the todo, relations and phonebook examples. By adding support for different types of pages, I can begin customizing the displays and command sets by type and then add better support for these examples.

Now once list is working, things will begin to stabalize. Adding includes (applicative context) will be an addition, so it should not break backward compatibility. Of course, I may still need to change the dump file format when I fix load--but that remains to be seen.


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