Sunday, April 03, 2005

one step forward, two steps back

Well, I've been reflecting on the new Journal and my conclusion is that it is a very good thing that we are in Alpha!

Dumps/loads/restores are all broken.

The new structure is fragile. I need to make command a file and move some transaction data to it. As a cludge, I'm using timestamps to identify the transactions associated with a command. This breaks on load/restore and is risky to share as well.

Further, unless commands are broken up, you can't dump a dataset without dumping them all. The property on datasets which references the well knowns that are in it needs to be inverted.

My conclusion is to just say dumps are broken, ignore the low-level stuff, and focus on look & feel for a while. We'll stay alpha for some time. I want to add some maintenance commands first. Then fix citations. Then work on dumps.

I'll note that the reason why I put the property connecting datasets to wellknowns was because it was the right answer for a previous implementation--I had done it the other way initially had had to reverse it. Oh well.

In any case, I still intend to do a release today (Sunday).


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