Friday, October 13, 2006

resolution lists

With section 8 of the user guide, Classifiers, done, I'm thinking about resolution lists.

So far, names are always resolved to a single Rolon. That's not always the most helpful--sometimes you want a list. Case in point: Sue/Brother in the NuclearFamily example can resolve to any of the three brothers.

Fortunately, AW already creates the list when resolving names--but it then only uses the first on the list. So it should be easy to write a resolve command to list the rolons that a pathname resolves to, and to extend CurlyBraceNotation so that {Sue's BrothersI?Sue/Brother}, when clicked, would display a list of her brothers.

On the down side, I was ill yesterday with stomach problems. Likely a glass of fresh grape juice that I got at the Sun snackbar the day before. Feeling better today, but still a bit under the weather.



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