Wednesday, March 08, 2006

JSecs, NPJSs and Remarks

I had a nice, if brief, chat with Norm yesterday. Unfortunately his network was down at the time. One of the things we talked about was the role of Non-Performing Journal Sections (NPJS) vs Remarks. There's enough convergence here that I'll be dropping remarks all together, but using the access control model of remarks for NPJSs.

First, the Restrict classifier entry for JSecs in general will be set to the name of the user who created them. So only that user (or a member of the admin group) can modify a JSec.

The second change is that anyone (except Guest) will be able to create a NPJS anywhere, unless otherwise directed by a NPJS descriptor entry on the Cabinet.

Third, like Remarks before them, NPJSs will be listed in the default display.

Now I've already got NPJSs working, sans access control. So I'll be working on these changes next. None of this is very exciting, but it will get quite interesting later when we can do tag matches on JSecs.



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