Friday, March 03, 2006

thread control--another small milestone reached

The Ark is intended for use by either a single writer or multiple readers. Mind, there's a lot of optimization that could be done to handle multiple readers better, but that's the intent--the same as the previous version of the AgileWiki.

Milestone reached--single writer/multiple reader thread control code is now in place. Gosh, we could turn it into an RMI server pretty easily, if only it did something. And I think getting it to do something is higher priority. Though it would be nice to do both.

Turns out, most of the thread control logic goes into the Evaluator classes. That's been done now, and they can serve as examples for future evaluator classes. (Like login.) Mind, there's still some work to be done on user registration. It works, but with no security what so ever. Gotta fix that.



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