Tuesday, March 07, 2006

going slow

The new Rolon class has been commited to subversion on SourceForge and subsequent testing has found mostly unrelated bugs--which have since been fixed. And what, with the completion of user registration and login, much of the groundwork has now been completed. Its just about time to start cranking out functionality at the command level. But not quite. We're still missing most of the descriptor logic, which for now can be put in the Ark class.

I started working today on the npjs command. This command creates a JSec with an associated document. And its nearly complete, save only the code to check to see if the user is allowed to post the JSec. (JSecs used to be called transactions not too long ago.)

Now the interesting thing about a npjs is that it can be posted on any rolon (except the Ark rolon, Data). That includes Cabinets, Drawers, Folders, Pages, LSecs, Remarks... and other JSecs. And yes, I'm having to enhance the display logic to handle the latter. :-)

My intention here is to focus on npjs for a while and use it to build/test some of that descriptor logic that is still missing, particularly in handling the Restrict classifier entries.

After that, I'm thinking about building a variant of the Direct portal that would read script files and create a nice scenario text file. Handy for regression testing, generating documentation, etc.



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