Tuesday, November 22, 2005


In 2.0.14, we are now automaticly generating the NewTopicNameMap LSec when a DescriptorUnit is created. Consider that a sample of things to come.

Now when we create a table, it would be quite nice if we also populated the first line of the table containing the column names. So we need to put that information into the table's DescriptorUnit. I'll observe that the DescriptorUnits of tables are different from other DescriptorUnits. Ipso facto, table DescriptorUnits should have their own DescriptorUnit--lets call it TableDescriptorUnitDescriptorUnit. We'll also want a name pattern for TableDescriptorUnits--lets say "*TableDescriptorUnit".

Now, how do we recognize a table DescriptorUnitDescriptorUnit? --By the value of the descriptorunit header! Rather than have a value of "True", the descriptorunit header of a TableDescriptorUnitDescriptorUnit can be set to "Table". This opens the doors to some new capabilities:
  • Automatic generation of the textcontent header in the table DescriptorUnit,
  • Automatic generation of a Columns LSec in the table DescriptorUnit and
  • Inhibit the generation of the NewTopicNameMap.


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