Saturday, November 19, 2005

setup magic: delay is not good

There are a number of enhancements that I'd like to add to DescriptorUnits to make things easier to use, and these will require changes in the new setup utility, so the temptation is to further delay the initial implementation of the setup utility. But I've come to realize that this is NOT a good idea.

Without proper administration, all these new features to make things easier for (non-administrative) users simply don't work. And right now it is just too much of a pain to manually do all the setup. So the setup utility should be done sooner rather than later.

This means of course that I'll be making minor changes to the setup utility (which creates as many DescriptorUnits as might be helpful) with almost every enhancement to DescriptorUnits. Oh well. At least they should be minor changes!


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