Thursday, November 10, 2005


2.0.10, limiting write access, is coming along nicely. But gosh, it would be nice to be adding other features which use descriptors besides access control.

On the other hand, the custom and config roles will help organize commands. Could make the system easier to learn if I build the right documentation around it.

I'll note also that we need private topics before we can implement 2.1.

mmm... Maybe I can just push back a bit on the custom and config roles. There is a real issue with creating a topic and then setting the descriptor unit. I'd like see a create operation where you first name the descriptor unit (or let it default). A form could then be displayed for topic name, usage (Drawer, ..., LSec), and tags.

Or perhaps support customized queries? (Perhaps this one should wait until after the custom role.)

Descriptor Units bring a lot of power to the Ark. Guess I just want to show it off a bit. Access control has real value, but its not very flashy. ;-)


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