Monday, May 23, 2005

citations vs classifier citations

Given a new display for classifiers (like name, include, exclude), I'm wondering if the references made by these classifiers should be displayed with other references on the cit display (named, included, excluded) or should I move them to the classifier display as well? I suspect the latter, though I could argue for either.


At Mon May 23, 08:09:00 AM GMT+5:30, Blogger NoKas said...

In a Rolon the ClassifierUnit has the responsibility of maintaining partness information. This includes information about how this Rolon locates/names others (and their parts) as well as how this Rolon is located/named by others (its tags). These ClassifierCitations and ClassifierReferences are part of the metadata of a Rolon, not its data.

Accordingly, they should be in another "visibility space" and should not be co-mingled with ordinary content.



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