Sunday, April 20, 2008

a chat with Norm

Just had a great chat with Norm. A few things came up that I'd like to share.

First (on my mind) is journaling. AgileWiki3 did this right, but there were problems in the approach which I believe are flawed from a production perspective. It did not have state in any sense but implemented everything in the Journal and played it backwards to get the state for any given time.

The current approach is to have cheap snapshots of Rolon descriptors and ledgers (still to be implemented) and to present them to the same effect. Workable if we can keep the snapshots cheap enough, but in some sense a cludge in contrast to playing the journal.

One comment by Norm which I find very interesting is that classifiers/descriptors/ledger/journal may be the only representation to date capable of modeling systems theory (including systems of systems I assume). In my mind this adds a lot of validity to what I am trying to do, even if it is only partly true. (What he actually said was "the quadrivium is the first useful structure for modeling system theory.")

TiddlyWiki and RememberTheMilk were also discussed. Each has its strength and both may best be described using Rolonics--for then you can see how their capabilities could be implemented as a single extrodinary system.


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