Tuesday, February 05, 2008

CowDb release 2.1

There are two new helper classes:

Xpress uses the IDisplay interface to create XML fragments. No other changes were needed to the code base to implement this, though this means that Serializable and Bytes are not properly handled. (That will come later.)

XmpBinder parses XML documents and creates a graph of nodes from the result. Not everything is supported [yet]. In particular string atts with new lines will not work. Again, this effort needs to be revisited. Implementing this required some changes to the code base to process the attributes.

The point here is to do the necessary minimum to lay the foundation for JOODBMS. Some real effort will be needed [later] to turn these classes into something useful. On the plus side, both these new classes should be an easy read for folk with an interest in such things.

Oh yes, the sample code for defining a new app has been updated with a method for processing XML attributes.


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