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Lots of media attention on blogging here in India. The government then decided to put pressure on ISPs to block only slected blogs, not the sites hosting them. So once again I can access this blog via my ISP, along with most others in India, though access may vary by ISP.
3.1.2 was released on the 19th, and really flushed out comment management, together with tags and tag search. Meanwhile, there's been a change of focus for release 3.2--the intent now is to include validation in this upcoming release, but not agility. So the Columns table in table descriptor units has been extended to include field type and a required flag. And the new crRow and editRow commands use this information to validate user input. And there is a new custom display for rows as well.
Another new area under development is the idea of (Ledger) structures. A structure would be implemented using LEnts together with a structure table table in the descriptor unit.
Now I had thought initially that structures would be one kind of LSec, but then I realized that descriptor units are best treated as structures, and that there would be classifier structures and descriptor structures as well. Perhaps what would be best is to simply enhance the existing LEents, DEnts and CEnts displays and make them more like the new row display.
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