Sunday, April 09, 2006

change of direction, so what else is new?

I ended up taking the rest of yesterday off, and today I'm feeling much better for it. But I did have a nicel long chat with Norm. He's now running alpha15 and is suprised to see how much was there. Norm's involvement is always quite helpful--he's very good at breaking my code. :-) And it is always good to have some oversight. As the author of Rolonic Theory he understands where I'm headed, and as a user he's always pushing for ease-of-use. So he provides a good blended perspective, all be it as a power user.

This morning I split lists into lists and keyed lists, and updated both clients. I'm considering doing a bit more work on the Swing client to make things clickable, but first I need an rid command for navigating directly to a rolon via its record id.

At this point I think the top-level infrastructure is "good enough." I've had a lot of ideas lately about new UI models and the work that could be done there is endless. A real tar baby. So lets stick with a single UI model for now (less maintenance!) and skip RMI and go back to the meat of the thing.

Of course, if anyone is interested in working on the Swing code...



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