Sunday, February 19, 2006

a quiet afternoon

Usage is no longer inverted. What was I thinking? That would have encurred a huge overhead for very little benifit. (The problem being that there would be lots of roles with the same usage.)

I've reorganized the class structure, again. This time I used NetBeans to do it. This is a very sweet tool.

Wrote javadocs for each package. Pretty brief except for the attribution to Norm at the top level. Still, it could be helpful to a new developer. (One of my goals here is to make the code as developer-friendly as possible to encourage community building.)

I've been thinking about restricting tags to the cabinet level. A bit of work, but it should give better coherency. This was Norm's suggestion a while back, but I resisted at the time because there was only one calendar then. Now I expect that every cabinet will have its own calendar. This also lines up with a need to have cabinets which are private to specific user groups.

And then there are LSecs and Remarks. I had glommed them all together with Cabinets, Drawers, Folders and Pages, but I am thinking now that they need to be managed separately. LSecs and Remarks are content (ledger), while the others are not.

I've also been thinking about how to accelerate access to topics. I had learned that this was necessary in the previous release because of the repeatitiveness of wiki name resolution. (A document can have a whole bunch of wiki names on it and if this is slow, the display suffers.) My previous implementation was pretty shabby--caching was only valid for the duration of a single command. But if I implement inter-dependencies so I can trash the cache when it becomes invalid, I can build something much more effective.

Overall its been a quiet afternoon. Had a fine nap and feeling quite refreshed.



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