Saturday, February 18, 2006

A whole bunch of Ark Interfaces

I've now created a bunch of interfaces to the Ark class, as a means of giving some structure to the API--related methods are in the same interface. (Methods are grouped rolonicly, mostly. So there are ledger interfaces, CmdLedgerArk and ViewLedgerArk, journal interfaces, etc.)

Its probably overkill at this point, but I expect the number of methods on Ark to keep growing. Only two of these interfaces are actually used, CmdArk and ViewArk, by the cmds and view packages. (CmdArk extends ViewArk.)

Tomorrow I hope to finish the code to generate the DescriptorUnits for the Home and Etc Cabinets. I also need to extend the default display to include a role's document--I'm currently generating LSec content which can not be viewed. :-( After that, I want to work on user registration.



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