Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Ever keep a project journal or a personal journal? Its a log of what's happened, notes and anticipations.

The cal Cabinet is, of course, a great place for a journal. But sometimes you want to have more than one journal. To this end, we need gencal to create the same structures in a different cabinet. But that is a LOT of structure! So we'll exclude days, and instead support weekly journals.

Now does this mean we need a lot more cabinets? Well, there is no reason why we can't add a journal to an existing cabinet. Now, potentially, each cabinet can have its own journal.

Now, can I send email to a particular journal? Sounds good. If the destination of an email is a cabinet with a journal, then we should post the email to the appropriate week.

I'm also thinking that ArkConfig and cal should be combined--you can think of cal as the Ark's journal.

And what release does this all go in? How about 2.1.4? These are small changes compared to developing the advanced interface.

Why the sudden interest in Journals? Well, journaling is one of the underlying themes of Rolonics, from which the AgileWiki is derived. And it seems like a mobile phone is better for journaling than ledgering (where by ledgering I mean updating Topics).


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