Friday, July 01, 2005

Newbie Q & A

Here's some Q&A from an email discussion with Frank. I'm posting it here, slightly reworded, as he has indicated that he doesn't mind having it public.


I assume it is Cabinets have Drawers that have Folders that have Pages that contain Lsecs? Is that right?


Now while the ark can only have cabinets, cabinets can have drawers, folders, pages, lsecs and remarks. Drawers then can have folder, pages, lsecs and remarks. Etc. The exception comes at the LSec level--they are recursive! An LSec can have LSecs and Remarks. A remark then can have nothing.


What is a Remark?


What is a remark? In a community wiki, one person writes a page and others attach their remarks to the bottom. CSWiki provides structure, so such remarks are separate structures. The advantage here will come when we add access control. Like a blog, I may be the only person allowed to update a particular drawer. But I may allow anyone to attach remarks--so remarks are there as a separate structure because they have different authors and perhaps different access controls.


Besides color (which I got to work) what other cls commands are there?


Have you tried the help command? I will note that it gives different results at different places in the ark.

One thing may be of interest--sortp, unsortp, sortl,unsortl, orderp and orderl. These commands allow for either lexigraphical or manual arrangement of the LSecs and pages on a Cabinet, drawer, folder, page or LSec.


Hi, can I do a “Cabinet Level” dump to file or is it all cabinets in the ark?

No problem, I will just make sure that use either qualified or unique cab names for those cabinets I want to share between Arks.


Lets stick with ark level for now. I know this hurts. Things will improve when I focus on streaming. I've really set things up so that dumping and sharing can occur at the cabinet level, as well as access controls. But not yet. :-(


I did not know if you wanted this type of "newbie" questions on theForum. I would be happy to post a summary there.


My hope is that we get lots of newbies full of questions. Then you can return the favor by answering some of those questions and we can build a FAQ to reduce the chatter. :-)


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