Sunday, June 26, 2005

headers and LEnts

While working on the Relations1 and Phonebook1 examples, I realized that I couldn't integrate them the way I wanted to without name/value pairs. So I've added email-like headers to the text content of Roles. One implication of using email-like headers is that the names are not case-sensitive. (This will also make it easier to add email access in the CS5Wiki.)

Of course, that's not quite good enough. I've got to add the TKI support for accessing those headers before I can use them in the TKI examples.

But now that I've got those headers, implementing a first draft of LEnts may be an easy next step.

There are several ways that LEnts differ from LSecs:
  • LSecs can hold Remarks, LEnts and other LSecs, while LEnts can only hold Remarks;
  • The name of an LSec is user-assigned, while the name of a LEnt is generated;
  • When listing LEnts, the headers are displayed, while only the names of the LSecs are listed; and
  • Cabinets, Folders, Pages and LSecs can have LSecs, while only LSecs can have LEnts.

LEnts don't really start to get interesting until we can add some descriptor data to identify which headers are to be used when listing LEnts. (This descriptor data will likely vary by type of LSec.)


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