Friday, February 11, 2005

integrating sample apps with wiki pages

Are the relation, person, telephoneNumber and todoList files completely distinct from wiki page files? If they were extensions of a wiki page, unified access might be easier.

Is there any problem in attaching a document (and references) to all of these file types?

We could then say that we have unified everything as a Wiki page, but some types of pages have extra attributes that we can operate on.

Going a step further, What about making a DataSet file a Wiki Page too? Now it sounds like we can attach a document to any WellKnown file.

Seems reasonable.

Now, should references be just based on the document content, or should it include any reference to a WellKnown? (That is to say, need we update references in the relations1 application? I'm thinking that the references property defined on a wiki page should ONLY be an index of the document. Keeps things simpler.


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