Saturday, April 05, 2008

a good start on reworking queries

The logic for the rbacklinks and show queries have been migrated from Browse to the server. So things are pretty much in place and there is a good chance that we'll be done with reworking the queries tomorrow.

I'll note that there is not a lot left to do in COODBMS. Notifications are next. But then there is performance testing, and that is worth putting some serious effort into. Performance should be slower than CowDb, what with all that journaling. But in any case, it will be good to beat on COODBMS a bit.

I should probably also create some test scripts to replace all the old COODBMS samples. (Those samples are still on SVN--I just didn't include them in the last release.) And of course the top-level wiki pages will need to be reviewed. (I did finally add some navigational aids for to the wiki today.)

And once all that is in place, it will really be time to work on MOODBMS. On the one hand, I really want to have COODBMS in good shape before moving on. But on the other hand, it will be nice to get started on the next layer of AgileWiki.

MOODBMS should be quite exciting as it will be focused on virtually eliminating the need for application-specific UIs. And while we will only be looking at a non-graphical user interface, this should lay the groundwork for the wiki.


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