Tuesday, April 01, 2008

so many pages, so little time --> dead links

Not a lot of time left before leaving for Raipur. I may get back online this weekend, with any luck. I just created a BrowseCommands page in the wiki. It and the script page now have bunches of links to all the pages, yet to be created, describing all the commands. Not the best stopping point. :-(

The movers came yesterday and I was quite impressed. Everything was wrapped in cardboard and then 3 layers of plastic, including the couch, stuffed chairs, refigerator, washing machine, A/C, TV, PC, monitor, etc, etc, etc. And every dish and cup was wrapped in 2 layers of newspaper. There were 8 packers and it took them about 8 hours to do all this. But remember, it is an 8-day trip by rough roads in an open truck and they will get some rain on the way. Total piece count: 70. Total cost: Rs24,000 or about 2 months rent in Bangalore.

Tonight's adventure: a 2-day train trip with Rupali and our cat, Sassy. Hopefully Sassy will not be forced to ride in freight. She's already freaked out by the empty rooms in the appartment.


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