Sunday, March 09, 2008

queries--it is time

We now have a moderate amount of access control data which is generated when a database is initialized and no effective means of displaying it. The queries that we have are simply too verbose--I had to chop them out of the sample programs when I updated them to work with access control. Also, the existing queries (except for express) use a print stream, and that will not be supported when we go to client/server architecture. So right now, queries should have priority.

Two very basic queries which would help a great deal would be (1) list the pathnames of the well known rolons and (2) display the pathnames of the tree of rolons under a given rolon. These two queries, together with express, would go a long way to making the content of the database (ark) visible. And of course, these new queries should return a result (text entry) rather than using a print stream.

I must say, this is the perfect time to implement these queries as we now have some interesting data to run these queries against.


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