Wednesday, March 05, 2008

access control, queries and security

Access control will be at the level of rolons and operations (opcodes). User groups and operation groups will also be supported. But as queries will often span multiple rolons, these will wait until access control is in place--otherwise they would need to be redone.

The consideration of most security aspects will be delayed until later. Mostly I expect this will be handled by AgileWiki clients, e.g. in an applet. Multiple clients will be supported, but clients should support multiple users. Clients will be trusted but must have a fixed IP address. (The client IP address will typically be the IP address where the server is running.)

One consideration here is the need to support multiple programming languages. Having good crypto between the client/server slows things down at a critical point but may also restrict the choice of client programming language.

Now the first point of contact for the user (except for guest access) is account creation. We can allow for both self creation and for creation by an authorized user. Access control should be configurable to restrict these operations as needed.

We will want a journal of all user transactions. This will require a small change to the RoleML interpreter. Note that changes to a journal will need to be restricted.

And like the check register application which keeps a ledger of the checks processed, there needs to be a ledger of user login/logoff (token creation/destruction).


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