Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hacking out a lot of code

Well, I now have a ModelObject class in client which serves as a simple model, as well as an Xpress class. So I am able to send a request to the server and process it. Just. But to handle a response, I'm also going to need a binder in the client. More code to hack out.

As for quality, it is very rough. But I figure it is important to get something working first. Then I can worry about exceptions and errors. Lots of fun getting this stuf working, yes. But I'll pay the price later, so I am not completely happy with this process. At least the new code is confined to new classes--I'm not messing with any existing functionality. So it isn't really so bad. (Or so I keep telling myself!)

The client DRM is, at least at this point, very simple and light-weight. Hopefully I can keep it that way, as this code will need to be ported to other languages and adopted to a number of different mid-tier systems, each with their own requirements. So I'm avoiding anything fancy. Even integrety checks are minimal--they can involve a lot of code and a lot of code is exactly what needs to be avoided here.

Another reason for keeping the client side as light-weight and clear as possible is because I expect that the client code is what folk will be looking at first. And that may well be a very diverse audience.


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