Thursday, February 07, 2008

Transaction Rolons

In that last scenario we were still missing the transactions. What we need is a master journal (a calendar) which contains a series of Rolons, each of these Rolons created by a transaction. So they are the Transaction Rolon EXecution (TREX?). Hmm, perhaps TRolons would be a better name.

Each TRolon would contain mostly just a DSec. Processing a transaction then is just a matter of creating the TRolon, creating a JEnt in the rolon which is the context of the Main DSec and then executing that DSec.

OK, so to implement this we need the following:
  1. A JEnt which holds the name of the TRolon.
  2. A TRolon.
  3. A Master Journal. And
  4. A transaction which creates the TRolon and executes it.

Hey, that's not a whole lot. And all of these things are pretty light-weight. Well we also need a Calendar App, but we can use the sorted app for now, or create a stub which simply subclasses the sorted app. Looks like fun!


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