Wednesday, January 23, 2008

transitions can get ugly

The new API is largely in place, with scalars and List converted. Spent the day on the test suite, the cowdb samples and flushing out the API with a number of convenience methods. But I still need to convert btrees and hash tables.

All the code is in working order, but with two distinct API. It is an ugly duckling right now, but looks like it will soon be a beautiful swan. I expect the final code base to be smaller and simpler than what I started with, as well as more powerful, more extensible and easier to learn and use.

I've still got some heaving lifting ahead of me to complete this conversion, and then I need to go through the code and cut out the dead wood. There is a lovely, light-weight CowDb trying very hard to shed the fat old API.

Tired, but excited. --b


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