Saturday, April 22, 2006

Creating new forms is a snap!

I've just converted the restrict, npjsRestrict and crc commands to forms, and all 3 support a headline. And I'm delighted to say it was quick and easy to do... And there were NO changes on the client side. :-)

One big project that is pending is the AwServlet, and I'll likely do a release before that. But there are still two things remaining:
  1. Currently to add a command, you need to modify the class of the Rolon it is associated with. I'd rather have command know which Rolon it is associated with and add itself to the Rolon's list of commands when the command is created. I'd also like to have a file which maps command names to Java classes, just like the file which maps Rolon names to Java classes.
  2. I'd like to rework the Validate class, breaking it into a collection of classes and have a similar file mapping from field type to Java class.

I'm thinking that these changes will add considerably to the extensibility of AgileWiki3, which is vital for an application server.



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