Saturday, December 03, 2005

2.0 is finished, what's next?

A lot of capabilities were added in version 2.0. We've added DescriptorUnits, access control, roles, home Drawers, tags and tables. I've call this the ugly duckling stage, having added a lot of complexity without a whole lot of benifit. Overall, the Ark has gotten harder to use.

Now it is time to build on these capabilities, and focus on making the Ark easier to learn. It is fine right now for the power user--the Ark is easy enought to use if you use it several hours every day. What's needed is an alternative front end for the novice user.

Lets start 2.1 off with a simple interface that has no command line. This would be the default interface for guests. Other users will be able to toggle between the two interfaces. Later we can develop a middle-ground, a comman line interface that is a bit easier to use.


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