Sunday, October 09, 2005

access control priorities

Having finished 2.0.2, its time to start working on Access Contol in earnest. But this is a biggie, and it might be reasonable to intermix other projects--access control does not by itself add to much value.

I think cabinet-level controls are a good place to start. Don't want someone cluttering up the cabinet namespace, mm? It seems reasonable to have this entirely in the domain of the AdMin user.

The second priority is to restrict updates of selected things. Specificly, it would be nice to restrict who could change the content of a DescriptorUnit.

A third priority might be to limit read-access to selected items. This is vital for when users become Topics. We will also want to restrict read-access of who has what privileges.

Fourth, it would be great if we could limit the commands available to most users in most cabinets, just to keep things easier to learn. Ultimately, it would be great if a user could self-declare their skill level and make some commands accessible on that basis.

Finally, being able to have private cabinets adds a lot of value to the Ark. Not everything needs to be available for public consumption! This would restrict read-access of content as well as restricting the use of s, t and other commands to view Topic names and Tags.

All this is going to take a while. Frankly, I'd love to be playing with other uses of Descriptors besides access control.


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