Wednesday, May 04, 2005

applicative context

Looks like the next big push is going to be on applicative context. To date, its been rather weak compared to previous work.

Applicative context is not an issue in a flat namespace, like a Wiki.

And applicative context need not be a stream when names are unique.

Yes, applicative context is about name resolution. (You could say its about giving meaning to words.)

In the ark, so far, all the drawers in the current cabinet are always visible, the folders in the current drawer are always visible, the pages in the current folder are always visible and the ledger entries and remarks in the current role are always visible. But what if we want to make the pages in another folder visible too? Currently we are limited, 'cause there's only so much you can/want to do with structural context and the include is kinda weak. So we're going to make includes much more powerful.

The intent is that when you include something, all its "children" also become visible.

Oh, so much power has its consequences. More things visible, then even more things we can resolve a name to. Suddenly the order of the includes becomes important. So we will allow includes to be ordered.


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