Thursday, January 20, 2005

todo vs relations examples

Converting the ToDo1 example was trivial. I just made stuff a WellKnown item in the Data DataSet.

Then I started diving into Relations1 and, Oh Boy! This is a fun one! The problem is that I need to test for the presense of a WellKnown for a given name within a DataSet. This is an intersection search and I haven't done one before.

Generalizing the search, for file A, look at the list of values it has for property X. Which files in that list have a property Y with a value of B?

Now, do I implement a high-speed version of this search? It is only one of many possible searches. Alternatively, I can make TKI powerfull enough to be able to implement the search as a script.

For now I'm thinking it makes more sense to extend TKI. Its easier and gives greater flexibility. Go for speed only when you need it, as it often brings added complexity.


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