Tuesday, January 01, 2008

level confusion

I've been working on backlinks and have realized that pathnames need to be unambiguous. This is very much in contrast to the semantic qualification of AgileWiki3, where backlinks were resoved using an applicability mechanism.

So it looks like I need to go back and cleanup pathname resolution. And to support .. notation as well. But at least now I've got a clearer idea of how to handle backlinks in cowdb.

Once backlinks have been implemented then finally cowdb will be in beta. Here I have a very precise concept of beta--backword compatibility of new releases with the data created by previous releases. But to achieve it, the persistent data structures need to be quite stable.

Meanwhile there has been some good progress made. The Control class, as an example, now carries a reference to the root branch index--which makes it much easier to resolve an absolute pathname.


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