Saturday, August 05, 2006

Starting Classifier Sections

Well, is out with the bug fixes. I've since noticed that the Swing client is unusable in wiki mode, as the comands are to small to all be clickable--a Swing defect?

Meanwhile I've started work on Classifier Sections, specifically TagMatches. (I've also changed tags so that they now handle multiple values.)

This is going to take a while. I'm introducing a new usage, CSec, which is going to break some code. Destroy needs to know about CSecs, etc. At the same time, it is interesting going.

In AgileWiki2, there were no Classifier Sections. There were classifiers, but they were proto-rolons. With the introduction of CSecs into AgileWiki3, classifiers can be handled far more uniformly.

There is also a major impact here for applications, as many applications work with lists. Now by discarding the contextual namespace, what remains (I call it the intentional namespace) effectively defines a list. And having lists will make a big difference in being able to write interesting applications.



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