Monday, April 03, 2006

another change to the client api

What happens when following a link with a web browser from an external page? You need to open the channel and request the desired content... there is no initial request.

So lets eliminate the requirement for an initial request and move the initial UI name parameter onto the portal call to open a new channel.

And what happens then when you need an initial display? Just pass an empty command line!

Note that this fixes the bug I found in initial request (the UI doing ArkDb queries without thread control support by an evaluator). However, the whole area of UI instantiation (with a selection by name) needs to be cleaned up. Previously DirectChannel was part of UI, which is why the confusion. UI now is taking a secondary role of only managing the displays, so it should likely be selected from a table of pre-existing UIs by session--in the future there will be commands which allow the UI object used by the session to be replaced with another. Easy enough now that UI is stateless & threadsafe.

So it looks like I'm back to working on the interfaces. Again. Well it looks like we're very close, and it is important to get it right! I'd rather have incomplet code (i.e. the Swing client) than incorrect code.



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