Friday, March 24, 2006

too pretensious?

Thinking about what I've been saying. The claims don't seem to be justified.

I am quite excited about this implementation of the Ark. But it is still just an application server, and the extensibility of behaior does not seem to gain too much from rolonics. Individual rolons, yes. Aggrigates of rolons, yes. But not so much aggrigate behavior. Evaluators are the most interesting part of the framework, but are pre-programmed with a fixed behavior. I don't yet see clear to an evaluator governed by the progressive state of a rolon.

I think the thing which will eventually open the doors to the magic is a focus on games, which have interaction governed by current (and past!) state. Perhaps an adventure game. I don't know.

One thing I am particularly interested in after the basic architecture is descriptors, for validation, parameterization of display, and the creation of structures. A bit on the mundane side of things, but really solid stuff. And largely undeveloped in the previous version. But it is also an area that can be a disaster unless done right, and generally a real pain for developers.



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