Friday, March 31, 2006

a small step

Got a nice email about the blog from a coworker in France today. He said that he plans on using the JFrame/BoxLayout technique in his next project that he's working on for JG.

As for the Frank's question about the first set of functionality in the Swing client, well its already working. It just doesn't have any functionality yet. My initial target is to display the Ark rolon using a username of Guest. After that maybe login and register. But this is going to be a slow slow process at the begining. :-(

My small step for today was to write a suddenDeath method on Main. You pass it an exception and it does this:
  1. Opens a modal dialog box letting you know that the program got an exception and is about to crash;
  2. Print the stack trace; and
  3. Exit.

public final void suddenDeath(Exception exception)
"Unexpected Exception, Going Down!",

This ain't much, but then its been a while. I expect the pace will pick up quite a bit as the weekend progresses.



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