better colors for the UI
Rupali returned from her parents home yesterday. The train was a few hours late, so she arrived at 4AM. (Its a 36 hour train ride.) Needless to say, I didn't sleep well. We had to go grocery shopping--the pantry was quite empty, and then enjoyed a rather long nap in the afternoon. So all in all, I didn't get to spend too much time working on the Ark.
But I did manage to do a few things:
- I changed the colors in the new UI to various shades of grey, to prevent clashes with other colors. I also made the grey a bit lighter to ease readability, along with some other minor changes. Its now been posted on as a sneak preview.
- Added a new introductory paragraph on the compstrm home page,
- Updated the project summary description on Sourceforge: An agile tool for managing both knowledge structures and information streams. A rich environment supporting diverse relationships between topics, name scoping, time navigation, tables, email and binary data.
I still want to do some more writing, as well as a new set of slides, before getting back to the code.
Good to hear that Rupali returned safely.--genny
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