Thursday, August 25, 2005


In 1.7 we're about to take a big step up, adding descriptors. Descriptors are used to describe a Topic, its behavior and its parts. This is in contrast to classifiers, which deal with the relationships between a Topic and other Topics. Rolonicly speaking, descriptors deal with a role as a whole, while classifiers deal with a role as a part of a larger whole.

Now we introduce type, which is a descriptor that defines much of the behavior of a Topic/header/descriptor. This is in contrast to usage (Ark, Cabinet, Drawer, Folder, etc.), which defines how a Topic interconnects with other Topics.

Descriptors and Classifiers, type and usage, these are all metadata. But in Rolonics, we always take care to distinguish these two kinds of metadata: Descriptors deal with a Topic/Role as a whole; Classifiers deal with a Topic/Role as a part of a greater whole.

One constraint we will follow in the development of descriptors is that Cabinets are relatively independent. The complex of typing data we develop then can only be used by Topics in the same Cabinet. Of course, we're free to post typing data from one cabinet to another, as we are with any other Topic.


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